This season features works by living composers with a variety of compositional styles. One of the pieces, to be completed later this year is a new commission from composer Jensen Thomassie. Pieces by Rob Smith and Daniel Whitworth were winners of our Call for Scores. We are thrilled to be able to share all of this music with you!

Concert Program

Rob Smith’s Sprint, Daniel Whitworth’s Ripples in Infinity, George Crumb’s Vox Balaenae (Voice of the Whale), Guillame Connesson’s Techno Parade, and a new commission by Jensen Thomassie

*subject to change

Educational Programs

A variety of educational opportunities are available for students including these programs:

Exploring Graphic Notation and Extended Techniques

Experimenting with Compositional Elements Workshop

Building Teamwork in the Sport of Music

What Is Noise also offers chamber music coaching, instrumental master classes, composer workshops, careers in music panel discussions, and entrepreneurial musicianship classes.



Basic Elements ($2,000):

What Is Noise Concert plus a 50-minute Question and Answer (pre-concert discussion, student question and answer seminar).

To the Stars and Back ($2,000 + Add Ons):

What Is Noise Concert plus a 50-minute Question and Answer (pre-concert discussion, student question and answer seminar) PLUS Program Add-ons.

Program Add-ons:

What Is Noise Pre-built Programs ($800 add-on each):

60-minute music laboratory with students to investigate specific musical ideas. Programs include:

Exploring Graphic Notation and Extended Techniques

Experimenting with Compositional Elements Workshop

Building Teamwork in the Sport of Music

Chamber Music Master Class ($800 add-on):

Members of What Is Noise offer a small ensemble master class. Groups of any instrumentation, playing music from any time period are welcome.

• Length of session: 60 minutes

• Number of What Is Noise members involved: 1-6

• Number of participants: 2-4 chamber ensembles

• Facility requirements: lecture hall, concert hall, or large rehearsal room, set up with all instruments required for workshop.

Student Composers Reading Workshop ($1,500 add-on):

What Is Noise provides workshops for student composers by reading through student works and offering constructive feedback about each composition.

Pieces should be short and use minimal instrumentation, agreed to in advance by the ensemble. The provision of percussion instruments should be discussed with What Is Noise percussionist, Keith Hendricks (

• Length of session: 60 minutes

• Number of What Is Noise members involved: 1-6

• Number of composers: 1-4

• Facility requirements: concert hall or large rehearsal room, set up with all instruments required for workshop.

NOTE: The session may not be recorded without written consent from What Is Noise.

Instrument Master Classes ($400 per instrument or $1,500 for all members):

Individual instrument classes give by members of What Is Noise on each their respective instruments (flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, or percussion).

• Length of session: 60 minutes

• Number of What Is Noise members involved: 1-6

• Number of composers: 1-4

• Facility requirements: concert hall or large rehearsal room, set up with all instruments required for workshop.

NOTE: Multiple master classes may happen simultaneously in different performance spaces.

Entrepreneurial Musicianship Panel Discussion ($800):

What Is Noise offers a 60-minute discussion about entrepreneurial musicianship. Topics include non-profit organizations, marketing strategies, creative performance ideas, press kits, business plans, websites, networking, grant proposals, and balancing business and rehearsal times as a chamber ensemble.

• Length of session: 60 minutes

• Number of What Is Noise members involved: 1-6

• Facility requirements: large room

Careers in Music Panel Discussion ($800):

What Is Noise offers a 60-minute discussion about various career paths in music. Topics include ways to build a professional life that includes: freelancing, arts administration, building a private studio, different types of performance careers, and teaching in higher education.

• Length of session: 60 minutes

• Number of What Is Noise members involved: 1-6

• Facility requirements: large room

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